Welcome to Our New Employees!
Business is booming and we are expanding our staff to keep up. In the past few months, we have welcomed a new lineman (Lucas Perry), two new part-time pilots (Brian Bolt and Austin Miller), a scheduler (Melissa Lloyd) and an accounting person (Maria Gross). We’re happy they’re part of the RAI team.
Internship Program

Last month we were excited to announce the start of an internship program with Western Michigan University’s College of Aviation. We have always had a close relationship with the school, and our director of operations as well as our sales and marketing director are both alumni. The interns help with cleaning and stocking the planes and “wing watching” during aircraft movements. To date, we have had two WMU interns–Keaton Jeffrey and Brandon Ngetich. A third one, Mujang Kang, will join us in the summer. We are happy to be encouraging the next generation of aviation professionals by offering an internship experience at RAI Jets.

Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame Gala
We were honored to be a sponsor of the 2022 Kalamazoo Air Zoo Ninth Annual Science Innovation Hall of Fame Awards Gala. The 2022 Enshrinees included deceased U.S. Army Helicopter Pilot Gene Carolan, U.S. Army Helicopter Pilot Dennis Hallada, deceased U.S. Army Helicopter Pilot Bob Potvin, Astronaut and Electrical Engineer Christina Hammock Koch, and WWII Fighter Pilot Ray Owen, age 101. Way to go!

It’s Golf Season!
Once again, RAI will be participating in the upcoming Michigan Business Aviation Association Golf Outing. Registration is full, but watch for registration to open for the fall outing. In the meantime, join us up in the cool, fresh air of Northern Michigan on the links of the Boyne Mountain area. Skip the drive around the lake and let RAI Jets fly you there in about an hour and arrive ready to tackle any of their 10 championship caliber courses spanning three, luxury resorts. Fly home that day or stay the night at one of the area’s posh resorts. To find out more about our golf entertainment packages, call RAI Jets at 800-247-2834. Boyne Mountain Resort, Boyne Falls, MI, Boyne Highlands Resort, Harbor Springs, MI, Inn at Bay Harbor,Bay Harbor, MI.