Where Will You Be When Winter Hits?
We are looking forward to helping our snowbirds head home to their warm nest this year! It’s always summer somewhere! Call us if we can take you there. Hope to see you in the skies!
–Your RAI Jets Team

RAI Now Manages Heavy Jets
Have you heard the news? RAI Jets has entered the heavy jet market with the signing of our first heavy jet client, a Bombardier Challenger 601. The decision came after an investment of more than $70K in specialty equipment to service heavy aircraft. We hope to have the Challenger available for charter soon and to be known for our heavy jet expertise. To learn more click here

RAI Host Talons Out
We were the proud host of a meet and greet dinner for the recent Talons Out Honor flight. Approximately 100 veterans from the WWII era to the present attended this wonderful event to honor their service with one last mission. “Their dedication never failed, so neither shall ours!”

RAI Jets Supports 4H
Pigs don’t fly and turkeys don’t do it well. Yet RAI Jets won the auction bids for two turkeys raised by Landon, a student at Mendon High School, and a market hog raised by Sophie, a student at Vicksburg Schools at the recent St. Joseph County 4-H Livestock Auction. It was a great way to support the 4H students towards their future plans.
In Gratitude
At this time of year, we want to thank you, the reader, whether you’ll be flying with us for business, pleasure, or just a friend keeping tabs on us, for your support throughout the year. Stand by for big changes at RAI Jets in 2023, including an expected groundbreaking on a new hangar & other capital improvements. Stay tuned!